Why have some residents of San Antonio experienced lower rates in insurance in the past years 2013, 2014 and 2015? Have you heard of a company called My Insurance Guy?
There is an independent insurance brokerage providing San Antonio a free service in order to reduce the cost of high insurance in San Antonio. Homeowners and automobile insurance quotes are the heart of this organization and its customers . A company that historically has found low rates for the past five years consistently for their customers. The company boasts a 90% retention rate with its customers that has started five years ago. "Our customers are like family and My Insurance Guy is programmed into all of their cell phones!"
This company is saving their customers time and money by shopping more than 20 insurance companies for homeowners and auto insurance. Let's break it down:
A normal call for a quote to an insurance company takes about 10 to 15 minutes. After receiving the companies rate.... you want to shop around. So you give another company a call which takes about 10 to 15 minutes. After you continue to shop through four or five different insurance companies you may have taken up to 30 to 45 minutes. Plus, you may still not have found the best rate available! Make sure that doesn't happen.
My insurance guy of San Antonio Texas shops over 20 different insurance companies instantly. Sending their customers quotes directly to their email free, has launched this company quickly beyond many agencies in the area.
"Our motto of service, service, service is the base for this organization"
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