Today I discovered a great way to increase your business while keeping a local reach.  I was initiated in a group called BNI Fiesta.  For anyone who does not know what BNI is , it stands for Business Networking International.  This is a great way to surround yourself with like-minded individuals who can refer you business.

The key is to find a BNI that has quite a few members. I have participated in a few of these years ago and was left with a sour taste in my mouth, never to return.  If you fing the right , fun, committed group then you will find success.

I am an insurance agent in San Antonio. We have many companies to choose from because I am a broker.  Some people call us agents , some people call us brokers, I just call myself  " My Insurance Guy ".

Thanks for reading and I look forward to more videos from the field!

James Cardenas
CDJ Insurance Services DBA My Insurance Guy
